MLops and Synthetic data for national security
Dropla's MLOps team provides the systems, tools, synthetic training datasets and processes to reliably deploy machine learning for your operations across the industries.

We facilitates the smooth lifecycle management of ML pipelines, from development to deployment and monitoring.
Synthetic data sets
Our simulation tooling and photorealistic 3D rendering pipelines allow us to create vast labeled datasets featuring diverse environments, terrain, weather conditions, and ground objects: landmines, UXOs and ERWs.
Real world data sets
Dropla is collecting and creating large amounts of labaled datasets, by utilizing Dropla HUB-194 testing site. And it is our duty to contribute standardized data to global datasets. This would help the wider research community and spur more data-driven innovations in Global De-mining initiatives.
Photo ТМ 62М


1. Creating Model
Developing highly detailed and accurate 3D models of defense equipment to be used in simulations and training scenarios.
2. Texturing
Applying realistic textures to 3D models to enhance visual fidelity and ensure accurate representation of defense assets.
3. Creating Environment scenes
Constructing realistic and diverse environmental scenes to simulate various operational terrains and scenarios for training and analysis.
4. Rendering more than 2000+
variety photos
Generating a vast array of high-quality images from different angles and settings to create a comprehensive dataset for training AI models.
5. Automated labeling
Automated accurately annotating the rendered images with relevant metadata to facilitate effective machine learning and data analysis processes.
6. AI pipeline injection
We construct custom architectures for seamless injection of the labeled dataset and training of AI models - to recognize and interpret equipment, environments, and scenarios accurately.
7. Testing
Rigorously testing the trained AI models to evaluate their performance, accuracy, and reliability in identifying and analyzing defense-related data.
8. Implementing and adjustment
Deploying the AI models into operational systems and making necessary adjustments to optimize performance and ensure they meet defense standards and requirements.
Dropla MLops tooling
Dropla ML Ops team is developing tooling, easing every stage of AI solutions deployment: creating/preparing data and building AI pipelines.

With us your organization can achieve quick early results in AI deployment in high value cases like:
- Localization
- Multi-object tracking
- Vehicle awareness with dynamic mapping
Our Services

Labeling Different Types of Ammunition and Mines

We provide high-quality labeling and classification services for various types of ammunition and mines.

Creating Synthetic Objects for AI Training

We develop realistic synthetic objects used to train neural networks. These models help AI better understand and recognize potential threats in real-world conditions.
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