
Dropla is developing a Multi-Domain Swarming Platform. Capable of operations in GNSS denied environments to execute coordinated mapping missions with speed and scale.

This force multiplier swarms the minefields both in air and the ground, generating life-saving intelligence to accelerate land release.
Surveying capability
—  50 ha per day
Navigational resilience in GNSS denied environments
Precise Georeferencing is essential, if an explosive hazard is captured with an error in coordinates, this poses an unacceptable threat to the demining operations.

Currently, demining operations in Ukraine face GPS denial due to jamming or satellite signal unavailability in close proximities to the front lines.
Logo Esa
The European Space Agency sees promise in Dropla's approach to evolving humanitarian demining. Under an ESA ARTES program, we are developing techniques enabling navigational resilience from GNSS spoofing/jamming.
Autonomous Security
First-responder programs
Tasking and re-tasking
Collision avoidance module
Distributed decisions
Dropla's breakthroughs in coordinated drone autonomy are ready to revolutionize more than just mine action.

Our modular swarms provide a powerful platform to optimize major operations in Autonomous Security, First-responder programs, Communication Relays, and beyond. The future is multi-agent efficiency.
EU-only componentS base
Logo ES
Our UAVs are being designed from the ground up using exclusively European-sourced components.

From locally manufactured airframes to controllers relying on homegrown chips.

EU-only supply chain enables strategic alignment in the face of shifting regulations.
HAS-ready Swarming RKT module
Ground Control Stations G2Nav
Метою проекту є закладання основи дослідніцко-промислового кластеру вирішення питань локалізації та вилучення вибухонебезпечних об‘єктів. Констеляція партнерів міститиме всі відповідні зацікавлені сторони для вирішення загальних цілей
We invite
partners to join us
Are you a European manufacturer
of drone components?
Let's explore synergies.

Contact us today to start mapping
out mutual projects.