Testing ground

Dropla hub194
In Ukraine, Dropla operates an extensive testing site replicating live minefields with diverse burials. This state-of-the-art facility, Dropla HUB-194, provides critical real-world data for training and validating new detection technologies.

With over 140 inert and 30 real landmines seeded at various depths, HUB-194 bridges the gap between lab research and field deployment.
territory plan
Variety of  environmental conditions
15,26 ha
The site has areas with differing soil moisture levels, vegetation density, magnetic susceptibility, and metallic debris/clutter. It includes dry and moist sections in each zone for controlled comparison. It contains a variety of soil horizons and textures, such as black soil, turf-podzolic, gray forest soil, brown soil, chestnut soil, salinized soil, clay, and sand.
in Ukraine
Open to exchange
Our team is collecting and creating large amounts of labaled datasets, by utilizing Dropla HUB-194 testing site. And it is our duty to contribute standardized data to global datasets.

This would help the wider research community and spur more data-driven innovations in Global De-mining initiatives.
Photo ТМ 62М
Future dataset expansion
Our team leads the initiative to establish open data-sharing standards with demining NGOs, governmental agencies, and military contractors working in Ukraine and other conflict zones. This enables different organizations to contribute to and get access to a growing pool of real-world Landmine detection data for improving AI technologies.

Fine-tuning the models by using Ukrainian soil labeled data sets obtained through the usage of the Dropla platform, open collaboration, and data-sharing initiatives will allow us to solve the problems.
Logo Demine Ukraine
Ground truth datasets acquirement
We have a common goal.
Let's walk together
Advancing demining requires unified efforts across organizations. Dropla welcomes all aligned teams to leverage our unique proving ground asset through collaborative trials, calibration, and data collection initiatives.